| Annalisa Capponi

#6. How coffee is processed?

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How coffee is processed?
Processing is the method used to remove coffee beans from the cherry.
This is a crucial step in coffee production, as it has an impact of coffee profile taste before roasting process.
How are beans removed from the protective coffee cherry?
There are 2 primary traditional processing methods.
1) Wet processing, also known as washed processing
It’s a more modern method; it's quicker, but it also uses large quantities of water.
Wet processing is when the coffee cherry is de-pulped by a machine - removing the outer skin or mucilage (cascara) of the cherry.
The washed seeds are then fermented in a giant vat of water from 24 to 48 hours.
In the end, the green beans are rinsed and then dried by the sun or in large ovens.
The outcome of this process is a light body and more acidic coffee, allowing you to taste all the nuances of the geographic origin and the individual varietal of coffee.
This is one of our premium washed processed coffee:
2) Dry processing, also known as natural processing
It's the oldest method used in many coffee producing countries where water is scarce.
In dry processing, the harvested coffee cherries are put on a large flat surface where they are then dried in the sun between 2 to 6 weeks, or in large ovens.
During this time, the layer of pulp is absorbed into the beans themselves.
Once the cherries are dried, the green beans are ready to be removed from their skins.
The result of this process is a sweeter and fuller-bodied coffee, often with smooth flavors that lean toward fruit notes.
Whichever method you prefer, you’re a bit more familiar with what truly happens during processing to create your favorite flavor profile.
This is our premium natural processed coffee:
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