#7. How is coffee roasted?
How is coffee roasted?
We often hear that roasting is a crucial step… So, let’s take some time to discover what roasting is, and the different levels!
Roasting is when the green beans are heated at a carefully controlled temperature for a limited time, revealing some of the complex flavors of each coffee varietal. This also creates the characteristic brown color of the roasted coffee beans.
This is a crucial step in the coffee production process, as it determines the coffee flavor profile that we enjoy in our cup.
Before roasting, green coffee beans are soft, spongy, and have a grassy taste.
The roasting time and temperature impact the taste profile of coffee at different levels: the flavor and aroma, body, acidity, bitterness, and intensity.
There are 3 different types of roasting that we want to discover:
- Light Roast
Occurs at the first crack; coffee beans reach the lowest roasted temperature of 356°F-401°F.
How it affects coffee flavor profile and taste:
- No oils on the surface of the bean
- Light body
- Highly acidic and lightly sweet
- Complex flavors and aromas
We are very proud of our Light Roast #1 espresso coffee:

2. Medium Roast
Happens after the first crack, but before the second, the coffee beans reach 410°F-428°F.
How it affects coffee flavor profile and taste:
- Light sheen of oil on the surface
- Medium body
- Lower acidity and sweetness
- Balanced flavors and aromas
This is our Medium Roast most popular espresso coffee:

3. Dark Roast
Arrives just after the second crack; coffee beans reach 464°F-482°F.
How it affects coffee flavor profile and taste:
- More oils on the surface
- Full body
- Lowest levels of acidity and sweetness
- Intense, but less complicated flavors and aromas
This is our Dark Roast fav espresso coffee:

Now, when choosing coffee, you know the impact of roasting on your favorite roast or blend!! Do you have any recommendations on roasting to share with our community? I can't wait to hear from you. I am sure there is more to know!