Terms of Purchase
*2 subscription pauses apply
**Subscription frequency may be modified after the initial 3 months of your subscription has passed. Coffee quantity may not be modified. Subscriptions can be paused up to 2 weeks and a maximum of 2 subscriptions pauses apply.
Subscribing to this subscription plan the customer agrees to receive when combined with a machine: a minimum of 7 Deliveries of min 72 capsule for each delivery (or a total 504 capsules for the whole contract) for Lavazza Classy Mini Subscription Plan, a minimum of 14 Deliveries of min 72 capsule for each delivery (or a total 1,008 capsules for the whole contract) for Lavazza Classy Plus Subscription Plan, a minimum of 100 Deliveries of min 72 capsule for each delivery (or a total 7,200 capsules for the whole contract) for Lavazza Classy Pro Subscription Plan, a minimum of 250 Deliveries of min 72 capsule for each delivery (or a total of 18,000 capsules for the whole contract) for Lavazza Omnia Subscription Plan.
**** In case of early cancellation the customer will be charged of the difference between the full price of the Machine in the subscription plan and the Discounted price paid for the Machine at the moment of the subscription.